Bejeweled or Bedragled ... which on are you?

accessory organization costume jewelry creative storage ideas declutter tips fashion accessories fashion storage solutions home organization jewelry collection care jewelry decluttering jewelry organization jewelry sorting tips jewelry storage ideas organize accessories storage solutions tidy jewelry drawer Jul 30, 2024
Bejeweled or Bedraggled which on are you?

My new course launched last Monday and we spent the week putting out the tiny fires that always accompany a brand new launch. We have 115 attendees and on Saturday the 11th we had our first Live Q&A. I haven’t hosted one in 2 months and I had forgotten how much I enjoy them. Today I thought I’d pull out one of the questions and answer it here in some detail. The one I chose for this week is how to organize costume jewelry. Any woman knows it’s a collection that grows over time and rarely gets weeded out. It’s the ultimate place to exclaim: “But I might need that one day!” Let’s see how I can help.

I’m going to bet your collection resides in one drawer and most likely the narrow top drawer of a dresser. Let’s use that as our example. If you have multiple places for stashing jewelry follow the same directions for each area.



Step One: Set the Stage

Clear a nice big space to sort your collection. It will most likely be the floor or your bed. I’d spread a plain white sheet so you won’t lose any pieces in the process. If you can, take the drawer out and place it next to you. If not, take a handful of jewelry and plop it down next to you.

Step Two: Categories for the Win!

You major categories are the types of jewelry you have. Let’s say it’s: necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and pins. You can mark designated areas on the sheet with post-it notes if you like. Don’t re-create a tangled jumble. Lay everything down flat so it can be seen and is easy to retrieve when you are ready to move on to the next step.

Take each piece in your hand and, if you instantly know you want to keep it, place it in the appropriate area. If you are unsure, ask yourself some questions. To wit:

  • Do I wear this? If not, why not?

  • If the answer is yes but you haven’t worn it in a long time, the question to respond to is once again ‘Why?”

  • Do you want this for sentimental reasons? If the answer is yes, do you have other pieces from this time that are enough to honor the memory of a time passed or a loved one who has transitioned? I’d lay out the extra pieces and photograph them. You can have a private board on Pinterest for mementos you do not wish to forget but no longer need to own.

Step Three: Sub-categories

Eliminating jewelry can be a truly creative and fun adventure. Let’s consider my favorite choices:

  • Nothing beats the fun little girls have playing dress up with jewelry. Are there any little girls in your life? Perhaps in the lives of friends or family members? Is there a shelter or school in your area that might need some jewelry to brighten up their play area?

  • Community theaters are another place that might welcome the jewelry that no longer serves you.

  • If you have high quality or vintage items consider consignment shops.

  • Try selling on Facebook Marketplace or E-bay.

  • See if our friend Mr. Google has any clever ideas.

  • If you have pieces that fit into family lore, give them to family members for holidays or birthdays and present with a hand written note sharing the story of the piece and who loved it before you.


Step Four: Time to Store

The easiest solution is to use boxes for your jewelry. Place them in your drawer and keep your categories together. I like to peek in and see what I have immediately so I do not close the boxes. This allows me to use the lids as well! You can get simple boxes from Amazon if you don’t have any. Here’s one choice: jewelry boxes

If you have dresser or counter top space, you can use acrylic jewelry holders that are stylish and keep your most frequently worn items at hand. Here are a few ideas to spark your creativity: jewelry organizer for counter topearrings & such necklace holder.

If you are having a closet remodel in the near future and your costume jewelry is on the expensive side, you might consider built in jewelry drawers. You’ll have divides and the bottom will be lined.

If you have closet wall space put up a few squares of cork and display your necklaces that way! Keep colors together and make the display a design rather than a random hodgepodge.

The Bottom Line

I think we hold on to jewelry for sentimental reasons. I’m never against mementos especially ones that have use today. I’m not in favor of items languishing like junk in a drawer or a box. Everything needs a purpose. And nothing wants to morph into the trash category.

If you handled your costume jewelry in a fun way, please share in the comments. I can’t wait to hear next week’s questions and see what they spark in me to share with you!


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